The Cult of Unity: The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1964

The Cult of Unity: The Stalin Plan for the Transformation of Nature in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1964 4 1 1

Stalin´s Plan for the Transformation of Nature, that was launched in the Soviet Union in 1948, had considerably shaped Czechoslovak approach to post-war reconstruction of local environment. The book shed new light on principal features of such an ambitious plan granted by highest political echelons, in person by Rudolf Slánský and Josef Smrkovský. The implementation and institutionalization of the Stalin´s plan took place in post-war Czechoslovakia under the scheme of radical rejection of malthusianism. The issue of continuity and discontinuity of post-war evolution shows the limits of the sovietization and its principal features.... celý text

Historie Politologie, mezinárodní vztahy Ekologie, živ. prostředí
Vydáno: , Academia
Originální název:

Kult jednoty: Stalinský plán přetvoření přírody v Československu, 1948-1964 , 2018

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