The Czechs in a Nutshell: A user´s manual for foreigners přehled

The Czechs in a Nutshell: A user´s manual for foreigners 4 4 4

Why do Czech men love sandals and white socks, and why do Czech women practice extramarital sex with greater gusto than women in most other European countries? Did you know that Czech Euroscepticism has its roots in 1620? That Czech society is in reality an undercover matriarchy? Or that some Czech have names like Hippopotamus, Don't-Eat-Bread and even Pepa from Hong Kong? When is it crucial not to do as you are told, and should you be happy when somebody gives you a painting of a rhombus? In this manual, foreigners will find light answers to these and many other weighty questions about the Czechs and their fascinating society. It is written by a foreigner who after years in the country has discovered that many things and people are not what they seem at first glance. This manual does not treat the Czechs as 10 million identical people with some typical Czech personal features. Instead, it points out that the conflux of a turbulent history, religious clashes, influence from diverse cultures, and four decades of Bolshevik isolation has created a society that in some respects is suprisingly tolerant and rich, and in others a bit less admirable and generous. It has also created truly unique characters such as Jára Cimrman and Karel Gott.... celý text

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14.03.2018 4 z 5

Z 85 % trefné.

30.09.2017 4 z 5

Místy velice trefné a vtipné, místy klouže ke klasickým klišé, popisujícím českého jedince mužského pohlaví jako nadutého pupíkatého Pepika s pivem v ruce, žeroucího knedlíky, smrdícího potem, zbabělého a ohýbajícího hřbet na všechny strany - s ponožkami v sandálech.-). Autor také zcela pominul pár zásadních faktů a zvyků, nicméně celkově se často strefuje do černého a kniha pobaví.

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