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Golden States, Land´s End - M. Cunningham; The Big Picture - S. M. Carroll; The Room Where It Happenned - J. Bolton; Forth Industrial Revolution - K. Schwab; Moscow, Dec 25th, 1991 The Last Day of The Soviet Union - C. O'Clery; Liftoff - E. Berger; The Beautiful Ones - Prince; Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, Calypso, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk - D. Sedaris; Cunk on Everything; Sober Stick Figure - A. Tozer; Young Mungo - D. Stuart; The End of the Day - B. Clegg; October Child - L. B. Knausgård; It´s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism - B. Sanders; The History of Magic - HP; Only Say Good Things - C. Hefner; Three Sides of a Hearth - N. C. Parker; K. Pilkington (7x); How to Solve Your Own Murder - K. Perrin; Slow Death by Rubber Duck - R. Smith; You Are Here - D. Nicholls; You Like It Darker - S. King;