Janelle Denison


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našla som správny popis knihy iba v angličtine, tu ho máte - When Jenna Phillip´s secret came out, she left her husband-to-be at the altar and ended up in a bar in a little town with her wedding dress and not much more. Not about to let her become the target of unwanted advances, Garrett Blackwell offers her his home for one night until she can get things straightened out. Thing is, Garrett soon finds himself hoping she *doesnt* get things straightened out. Garrett and his daughter, Chelsea, grow attached to Jenna, who finds herself falling in love with the handsome engineer and the loveable little girl. Theyre everything a woman could want. Except Jenna has a secret she knows will hurt Garrett and his family and as she falls more deeply in love, she fears the secret could tear them apart.... celý text